News of Sanguosha 10th 230525|环球新视野
Sanguosha 10th will have Version Update on May 25th!
Update Contents
1. PVE Mode: Dragon Boat Mode (2023/5/26~2023/7/13)
2. New JIE Character: 界朱治/JIE Zhu Zhi
3. Adjusted Characters: 曹纯/Cao Chun, 吕凯/Lv Kai, 严畯/Yan Jun, 马云騄/Ma Yunlu
界朱治/Jie Zhu Zhi (Wu 4)
【安国】 Stabilize Country
1 time in your Play Phase, you can choose anoter character:
1. if his hand cards are least, he draws 1 card;
2. if his life point is least, he recovers 1 life point;
3. if the cards in his Equipment Zone are least, he uses an Equipment Card randomly.
Then if he has unexecuted branches and you meet the conditions, you execute them.If you and he execute all branches, you can recast any number of cards.
曹纯/Cao Chun (Wei 4)
【缮甲】 Renovate Equipment
When your Play Phase begins, you can draw 3 cards, then discard 3-X cards (X is the number of your lost Equipment Cardsin this match and the maximum is 3). If this time, you haven't discarded: Basic Card, the number of Attacks you can use +1 in this phase; Scroll Card, the card you use in this phase doesn't have limit about distance; above 2 types, you can consider as use an Attack. (this Attack isn't included the number of times).
吕凯/Lv Kai (Shu 3)
【图南】 Southern Expedition
1 time in your Play Phase, you can order another character to see 1 top card of Card Pile, then he chooses: 1. use this card (no limit about distance); 2. use this card as Attack.
【闭境】 Close The Frontier
When your End Phase begins, you can choose at most 2hand cards, call them 闭境 cards. When other character's Discard Phase begins, if you lose 闭境 card in this turn, he needs to discard 2 cards. When your Start Phase begins, you recast闭境 cards in your hand cards.
严畯/Yan Jun (Wu 3)
【观潮】 View Tide
When your Play Phase begins, you can choose one of them until this turn ends:
1. when you use card, if the points of all cards you use in this phase are Strictly Increasing, you draw 1 card;
2. when you use card, if the points of all cards you use in this phase are Strictly Decreasing, you draw 1 card.
【逊贤】 Politely Decline
1 time in every other character's turn, when the card you use or play goes into Discard Pile, you can give it to a character whose hand cards or life pointsare more than you.
马云騄/Ma Yunlu (Shu 4)
【马术】 Horse Riding
Locked Skill, the distance between you and other characters -1.
【凤魄】 Phoenix Soul
当你回合内首次使用【杀】或【决斗】指定唯一目标后,你可以选择一项:1. 摸X张牌,此牌造成的伤害+1;2. 摸1张牌,此牌造成的伤害+X(X为其方块牌数)。
After your Attack or Duel choose unique target first time in your turn, you can choose: 1. draw X cards, the damage this card causes +1; 2. draw 1 card,the damage this card causes +X. (X is the number of his Diamond Cards)
What do you think about these adjusted characters? Which character do you like?
Welcome to comment about them!
Thank you for seeing here!
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